
Showing posts from April, 2019

Raising Saints - 008 The Purpose of Sacraments & Dealing with a Frustrating Person

Father Connolly brought a question from the 3rd grade class at St. Columba school. A student asked: What is the point of the sacraments? As we answer this question we also address a question from a parent, Kristy, who wonders why we go to Confession rather than just asking Jesus to forgive us privately. And then Will in 4th grade asks us to tackle a difficult issue - how to show compassion to a frustrating classmate! Please forgive the background noise and the 3 year old yelling for mommy in this episode! (#CatholicMomLife)

Raising Saints - 007 Abstaining from meat & Jesus’ 40 days in the desert

As we complete 40 days of Lent, Evie brings us a perfectly timed question - why did Jesus wander in the dessert for 40 days? And her younger sister, Chiara, age 8, asks why we are supposed to abstain from eating meat on Fridays in Lent. But did you know that the Church recommends we do this year round?

Raising Saints - 006 All About Faith

In this episode, we answer 3 questions all about faith. First, Grace, age 7, and her 2nd grade faith formation class, would like to know when CCD was started. Then, Marcelo, age 6, wonders how faith develops in people! Our final caller, Nick, 6th grade, wants to know what "the word" is when we say at Mass "only say the word and my soul shall be healed." That question was actually submitted by two kids - the exact same question - one caller, one by email! WOW!