
Showing posts from October, 2019

Raising Saints - Season 2: 004 Should Catholics Celebrate Halloween?

There is a debate across the internet about whether Catholics should celebrate Halloween. What do we think? Well, we dressed up at Saints John Paul II and Teresa of Calcutta for this episode, so yes, but also be careful!

Raising Saints - Season 2: 003 - Why Did God Create Us?

The Catechism states: "to know, love and serve Him." But what does this mean?

Raising Saints - Season 2: 002 - Why Should We Care About Jesus' True Presence in the Eucharist?

Last week, we spoke about the theology behind the Eucharist. This week we talk about what it means for us and why we should care. Learn about some Eucharistic miracles, and hear a couple examples of our personal experiences of Jesus' True Presence. Also, more of our new segment, #HowIHeardGod