
Showing posts from May, 2019

Raising Saints - 0010 A Visit with an 8th Grade Faith Formation Class

An 8th grade faith formation class had sent us some questions via email. In this episode we visit their class and record in person! This is our first foray into questions from teens. We discuss the how and why of miracles. And that transitions into a discussion on the meaning of suffering. PS - we are sorry for the average audio quality. Please forgive us.

Raising Saints - 009 Be Not Afraid

Today is a little different. We break from our usual format of answering questions to talk as the Holy Spirit moved us. We discuss the darkness in the world around us, and how we will all likely encounter resistance to our faith. But that we should be not afraid because God is always with us. And we encourage all our listeners to be lights of Christ in the world. Plus, if you're a Batman fan, Father Connolly does an impression of Bane from The Dark Night.